Love Is The Answer... I would like to share my healing journey through a series of posts that
I hope to be inspiring and helpful to anyone you may know on a cancer
journey. Through the years of dealing with this disease and being exposed
to others going through this I can say that Cancer is different for
everyone. Over the almost 6 years of this journey, working to de-stress,
engage in prayer and my connection to God and faith, many treatments, diets,
multiple surgeries, therapies, products, different kinds of doctors,
naturopaths, healers, coaches and mentors I have good news. After a lot of
attempts to rid myself of cancer and my choices running out and it spreading to
different parts of my body I started going to the Cancer Treatment Center near
Chicago. In Nov. of 2015 I began drug targeted therapy and then chemo
since February. It took some trial and error but after 5 treatments of chemo
(which I was something I was avoiding because of the toxins used) I am on my
way to remission!! It is interesting after the first of these five treatments I
also simultaneously connected to the cancer in a way I had not done
before. In meditation I talked to the cancer as my dearly beloved and
asked "what do you need from me"? An intelligent voice answered (to
my surprise) sharing a need for the body to have more rest. I replied to the
voice that I am a busy person and don't know how to do that. The voice replied,
"you can rest while in the mist of activity." I have been working
with this a best I can and to have a deeper connection to flowing through my
day with more self care. If I am thirsty-drink, hungry-eat, tired-rest,
periodic sun bathing even for a minute, deep breathing, stretching, forgiving
myself even if I am blamed or make mistakes, walking, riding my bike, being in
nature, reaching out for support and even smiling for no reason and more.
While in this communication and asking what the cancer cells needed I had an
image of rolling down my hill in the backyard as a young child, having fun fairs
and feeling close to the earth. I am an adult now and working a lot but
remembering to play and nurture myself feels like a crucial part towards my
healing. In my next posts since "Fun & Play" needs to me my
middle name I would like to share in a "Fun, Playful Way" some of the
supportive and healing things I incorporated into my journey through
this. I am sitting in a coffee shop at the hotel I stay in at the Cancer
Treatment Center and on the wall is a picture across from me which says "Love
is Always the Answer." For me self-love is the challenge and the
answer which will lead me to loving all of life and the source of life